Pop Spinning Fidget Bracelets Toy

$1.42 - $3.37

Item No.: IPAD036W

This push bubble bracelet fidget toys are made of high-quality silicone material, with a smooth surface, BPA free and non-toxic. T

Quantity Price Price Code
100 – 499 $ 3.367 R
500 – 999 $ 2.3 R
1000 – 4999 $ 2.133 R
5000 – 9999 $ 1.867 R
10000+ $ 1.417 R

Set-up Charge: $ 60

Quantity Price
100 - 499 $3.37
500 - 999 $2.30
1,000 - 4,999 $2.13
5,000 - 9,999 $1.87
10,000+ $1.42
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